Likely that you experienced only a very small part of that religious multiculturalism.
never more with thee!
And thee in me!
Reflections of the divine?
How could he not be?
As painfully dark as he is?
And we, still?
And me?
From weed to reed?
From weed to seed?
Some experiments carried out by the social psychologist Solomon Asch are most enlightening. Asch asked a small group of college men to identify the longest of several lines drawn on paper. Unbeknownst to one of them, all the others had been instructed to agree on a preposterously wrong answer. Choices were announced in open meeting. As the responses forced the “odd man out” to become aware of his position, he not infrequently gave way to the majority and expressed his agreement with them. It does not take an Inquisition to make heresy painful. (“Heresy” comes from a Greek word meaning “to choose for oneself.”) Out of 123 men subjected to this ordeal, 37 percent conformed. (Is it significant that this is about the same percentage as that of “placebo reactors,” people whose pain is reduced by the administration of a placebo, a medication known to have no beneficial effect?)
Asch’s experiment might tempt a cynic to rewrite the Anderson story to make the little child yield to adult opinion. We would not accept such a rewriting, of course, because the cynical version would deprive us of hope. The progress of science – indeed of all positive knowledge – depends on the courage of Thoreau’s “majority of one” in the face of nearly unanimous error. Yet there are many naked emperors parading the streets of learning, and we need a few people who have the Anderson child’s confidence in their own senses and judgment. Statistically speaking, the populace may well be right more often than wrong – but sometimes the Emperor is indeed naked.”
to stop idolizing false gods
but am and that’s much! Like most of US!
but thank you so
my eyes are falling
falling with joy!
could I ask for more?
and the whole world is at home
this is the Public Square
to life!
to love!
and the whole world is at home
this is the Public Square
to love!
to life!
‘Mass Slaughter Is a Systemic Problem of the Modern World’
SPIEGEL: What element must be added to the mix?
SPIEGEL: Are some states more at risk than others?
SPIEGEL: But your thesis remains true?
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