The Separation between State and Religion

In time we will realize that Democracy is the entitlement of individuals to every right that was in its times alloted to kings. The right to speak and decide, to be treated with decency, to serve and be served by people in a State of “love” that is, to serve with one’s work for the development of ‘life’. To belong to the Kingdom of Human Beings without racial, national, social or academic separations. To love and be loved. To die at the service of the whole and be honored in one’s death, for one’s life and work was legitimately valued. To be graceful and grateful. To have the pride and the humility of being One with the Universe, One with every realm of Existence, One with every living and deceased soul. To treat with dignity and be treated with dignity for One is dignified together with All others and Life itself. To walk the path of compassion, not in the sorrow of guilt but in the pride of being. To take responsability for one’s mistakes and sufferings and stand up again and again like a hero and a heroine and face the struggle that is put at one’s feet and in one’s hands. Millions of people, millions and millions of people might take many generations to realize the consciousness of our humaneness but there is no other dignified path for the human being.

The “work” as I conceive it is psychological and political. Psychology is the connection between the different dimensions within one’s self and Politics is the actualization of that consciousness in our practical lives. Religion is the ceremony that binds the connectedness between the individual and the Universe. The separation between religion, politics and science, the arts and sports is, in the sphere of the social, the reflection of the schizophrenia within the individual and the masses. The dialogue between individuality and the "human" belongs to consciousness. The tendency to develop cults resides in the shortcomings we’are finding in life as it is structured today. “Life” has become the private property of a few priviledged who cannot profit from it because as soon as it is appropriated it stops to be “life” or “life-giving”.

We are all the victims of our own invention and each one is called upon to find solutions. The only problem is believing our selves incapable of finding them. We are now free to use all Systems of knowledge objectively, sharing them without imposing our will on each other. To become objective about our lives means to understand that the institutions that govern its experience are critically important. That we are one with the governments, one with the religious activities that mark its pace, that the arena’s in which we move our bodies and the laboratories in which we explore our possibilities are ALL part and parcel of our own personal responsibility. That WE ARE ONE WITH EACH OTHER AND EVERYTHING AROUND US and acknowledge for ourselves a bond of love in conscious responsibility. That we human beings know ourselves part of each other and are willing and able to act on our behalf for the benefit of each and every individual. That we no longer allow governments, industries, universities or any other institution to run along unchecked by the objective principles of humaneness. That we do not allow gurus to abuse their power or governors to steal the taxes and use them to their personal advantage in detriment of the whole. That we do not allow abuse from anyone anywhere because life is too beautiful to do so and that we are willing to stop the rampant crime with the necessary compassion Conscious knowledge is every individual's right. Conscious action is every individual's duty.

Blog Archive

Sunday, 29 November 2009

Daily Cardiac Post 293 No argument

293. Elena - November 24, 2009 [Edit]

I like to keep a record of DC’s posts! I enjoy watching how you get mileage out of no matter what that stands against your cult. Did you know you’re brilliant? That being brilliant does not mean you are not equally corrupt and inhuman? I use to think inhuman people were all ugly but now I know beautifully looking people are inhuman, including myself, most of the time: Today I missed making contact with a few people who served me in some way.
Your posts are wonderfully revealing of how the formatory apparatus is trained to work like a dog and bites only when the “bill” rings! It is a very sad condition for a human being but that is the condition of millions of people today. Ten million only in scientology! So good to know that the Fellowship is a tiny cult in comparison… I’ve learnt so much from it: it’s a living course on pathology with one’s self included!
It pleased me so much to see you posting again, so human that you still bother to write. Were you preparing your exit justifying it with the image that they are too negative to deserve your presence? I consider myself fortunate for having seen you BEG for communication because that is what we’re doing in these blogs. If you are Girard, how can you live with the dishonesty of being the only one you allowed to talk on the blog? You told everyone else that it wasn’t worth your time but there you are trying to justify it all. And if you’re not Girard, how do you feel now? After failing? Does the pain make you feel any more human? Will you become even more rigid about your dogma or has a too big a crack opened and you’ll be out before you know it? For us cult people, pain is necessary to de-crystallize ourselves out. You seem so hurt that you aren’t even talking from your self anymore but from the formatory apparatus. You are not trying to justify what you think or feel about Robert anymore, just letting the FA reassure you of why you’ve dedicated forty years to a narcissistic sociopath and trying to justify it with the feeble idea that you don’t swear, that you’re not expressing negative emotions, that you have numbed yourself so badly that you can’t scream when the car runs over the baby of your soul and instead insist like a little boy who begs for a lollipop that is already in the gutter. Your supra-efforts to win with the mind were impeccably handled by Jomo Piñata, “chapeau” for him. Thank you Jomo, it was good to see you taking care of what matters, you did it beautifully. I don’t think I learnt how to do it but I certainly learnt what is possible.
Thank you also for the list of swear words that keep joyfully appearing. I used the same as those and they used it to ban me but all Ames says about them now is that they are “reactive” and don’t help the discussion! Mine must have been “conscious” and not reactive then!! Isn’t it quite a treat to be able to observe so clearly how we each “fit” the world to our convenience? The only good thing is knowing that I must have hit the mark enough for that reaction. The opposite process starts to take place immediately after: nothing fixes an individual as strongly to one’s self as killing them physically, psychologically or socially. We never know how alive we are until we are dead! And then when we die inside, when we don’t let each other breathe healthily in our lives, the corpse stinks! We stand at the end of each other’s being but have touched each other too deeply to be able to separate. We might remain there like dead, like my mother had been for forty years, but until we let ourselves breath each other’s being again we won’t be well. When you ban people, you try to stop them dead but you have to make so much effort to justify it, crystallize in so many lies, that in the long run, it breaks you too. It’s worth it: the suffering changes us all. Is there so much resentment that even those of you looking in here cannot speak about it? Resentment for my insulting the men and the women?
“You, my friend, are a child. You ask for reason while living in a mythic world of fantasy.”
I just saw this one Daily Cardiac. It is brilliant. It is the best thing anyone’s ever told you. I would take the mythic away because the Fellowship is too pathetic to have myth around it. The worst aspect of it all is how cheap it is.
But beyond all these criticism, I am delighted at the possibility of looking at each other so clearly. When I look at my self I’ll have to run I’ll be so ashamed about so many things but if that helps us to see how we work, long live the shame!
40. Daily Cardiac – November 24, 2009
“The “spirit world” is a metaphor for the unseen forces and mythic archetypes of the unconscious mind…Apparently, you believe in a literal spirit world.”
“Neither was I looking for verification of higher forces, because in the 4th way books there are no higher forces.”
James Mclemore:
“DC said,
“This discussion is supposed to be about spiritual matters;”
He is mistaken. Actually he knows better, and he only wishes it was about that. He wishes it was about almost anything other than what it really is, and then tries his best to develop conversation about other topics.”
I guess it was silly of me to propose a spiritual discussion when it appears the spirit part of spiritual is not much believed in or valued by ex members. The big picture is slowly coming into focus.
The FoF professes to be an esoteric school based on spirituality, based on development of the spirit.
So if one does not put much stock into that realm, or as it seems from WhaleRider, does not even believe in it, it’s no wonder there would be a disconnect with an organization that centers it’s teachings on the existence of a spirit world that governs over human kind and closely monitors all man’s dealings. A spirit world that can be and has been verified by hundreds of members.
Now that I think of it I really don’t remember any ex members conversing, long or short, frequently or infrequently, on any level, about a deity, higher forces, gods, angels, creator. It appears they have substituted synchronicity for a deity.
Elena: Your comments are very interesting DC because you didn’t get a word of what Whalerider said and now I am beginning to understand another aspect of the puzzle.
In the mean time I’m including various comments from the core group of ex members who post here, all addressed to me or about me in the span of about a week back on page 85.
Keep in mind that these comments represent complete postings, not excerpts from longer posts. If I would have included excerpts of a similar nature the list would have been three times longer.
Why are these comments significant? They are significant because each of these posts represented a lost opportunity to refute, through force of reason and adhering to basic principles of discussion, the very issues ex members are consumed with but never actually discuss in a reasonable way.
In order for a reasonable discussion to take place any participant first of all would have to recognize when they are stating an opinion and be honest and detached enough to see when a statement consists of an opinion and nothing more – Definition of Opinion : “a belief or judgment that rests on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty.”
One would also have to recognize the difference between the written word, i. e. testimony, facts*(sometimes the facts lie) and verifiable truth. One would have to acknowledge that the one thing no one can know for sure is someone else’s motivations as to why they did or said something – especially in spiritual matters – as motivation often runs counter to appearance; just as the spirit’s needs often run counter to the physical body’s needs.
It goes without saying that no spiritual truth can be arrived at through negativity – anger, hatred, revenge, etc. because that is all part of the lower realm and is exactly what must be transcended if spiritual truth is to be known.
You (any open minded readers) will notice immediately the nature of the comments being quoted below: mean spirited, vulgar, sarcastic, condescending, dismissive and generally of a negative and demeaning quality.
I ask you then – are these the words of individuals you would want to cast your spiritual well being with?
These authors will respond with their reasons why it was necessary or important to respond to me in this way, so beforehand I’ll say it again – anyone can write anything, pass anything off as truth for no other reason than because it issued forth from their keyboard. Of course that’s not a reason.
They are revealing their real nature in spite of their efforts to insinuate the opposite. It’s here for all to consider and anyone with a beating heart and the slightest inkling to touch the divine will see it for what it is. I certainly don’t have to label it.
Any open minded individual reading this, do yourself a favor. Leave this posting open on your monitor (the part where ex members comments are listed) and then go to “Pathways to Presence” and view both pages together – scroll down this posting, read a few comments of ex members, and then read the contents of “Pathways to Presence” and judge for yourself who the bearers of spiritual truth are.
An ex member recently called the PTP site “alluring.” You will find it to be much more than alluring, much more than compelling. If you are searching for spiritual truth you will find it irresistible, like finding a long lost friend.
But for now, please judge the following statements according to your own sense of worth and reason:
“Pure excrement, DC. What are you eating?”
“Give me a break. You don’t need to spend quality time with dog shit to know it stinks.”
“Ok. I’m an ex-member. The FOF is not a “rape factory”. However the Fellowship of Friends is a Doofus factory. And a factory for sleazy lawyers, psychiatrists and psycho olive oilers.”
“You know DC there is another experience that I sometimes have when I read your posts…”Yeah, me too, but it is a little different. It is kinda like there is a gaggle of maggots in the center of my brain which begin wiggling and gobbling their way out until they get to the neural pathways controlling the jaw muscles causing it to fall slack.”
“I do not read DC’s posts. However, I read them about 1.5 years ago and his completely messed up mind propelled me to take the decision and leave the cult.’
“Daily Thumbtack,
DC – Aristotle said “Man is a political animal.” He could have also said that “Man is a lying animal.” He could also have said, “You’re a smug jackass”. But more likely, had he read the above, could have said, “Holy Zeus, what an intolerably pretentious pinhead”.
“His way of thinking really helps to see how screwed up you can become in the Fellowship of Friends (check Pathway to Presence too, because they are re-doing their image…).”
“I mentioned this to you before, but I’ll say it again. Your posts are nothing more than pre-adolescent intellectual masturbation. What’s astounding is your lack of conscience and complete lack of self-awareness in that you have no shame or hesitation about whipping it out and doing it here in front of all of us. You are the fool of the farce. You are, as I mentioned before, the guy on the subway who exposes himself for a reaction yet doesn’t perceive the disgust he elicits.”
“disingenuous?!?!? you have no clue… you’re truly an absurd ass…”
“I think it is good he talks here. But he is not well. And he needs help. And he will not get it as long as he stays in the cult. Have a nice day! :-0″
“Come on, have a heart.
After all, DC has nowhere to go that he is not openly or secretly reviled. At least some of us are honest. He is a fine example of what the FoF stands for.”
“To talk to Daily Crap it’s like playing tennis with the wall, there is nobody there.”
‘Mark Twain might have said – “Daily Cardiac’s posts were written by Girard Haven or by someone calling himself Daily Cardiac”. The fact is, it is the same, slowed down, formatory, convoluted, not making sense, CRAP! ”
“My apologies for the mistake. Who cares who It is? Inanity thy name don’t matter.”
“why do I get the feeling someone does not receive enough attention in the cult?”
“Daily trash,
You either conscienceless fof worker, who paid to do what you are doing, or you truly are believing in your daily crap.
In any case, your efforts fruitless, because your teacher’s actions speaking for themselves.”
“I don’t know how you guys make it thru DC’s posts.
I can’t make it thru one paragraph, it stinks like shit.”
‘Yes, Daily Crap is a real idiot, but if he the best they have, imagine how stupid others?”
“As the blog continually engages in conversation with this fucking moron I’m beginning to
believe the blog and DC deserve each other.”
“Instead, I’m going to have some real fun and find someone to give me a root canal without anesthetic.”
“Daily Crap,
You are one sick motherfucker, who deserves the worse, like your pathetic Robert Burton.
I wish you both to share a jail cell.”
“Daily Crap,
Your aim is to mislead and to distract.
You are a Burton’s whore, who getting paid for doing what you do.”
“Your robot logic is coming unglued. You are like HAL in 2001 a Space Odyssey. Open the pod bay doors Dave…. Dave…..Daisy, Daisy……Goodbye robot.”
“And don’t forget, dear friends, that the staggering level of idiocy that DC has achieved can only be accomplished after decades of mind-numbing & emotionally castrating toadying.”
“You, my friend, are a child. You ask for reason while living in a mythic world of fantasy.”
“DC-ism -Banal FOF witch hunt of fueled fears, accusations of disloyalty and unsubstantiated accusations to justify and protect it’s Cult leader Robert Burton”
“Don’t fall in this trap of wasting energy on this guy/woman”
“I agree with that.
Talking to DC reasonably is useless because he lack of just about every thing to have this type of conversation with him. He proved his idiocy over and over again.. He is a true reflection of the FoF, and to have him here is good, so people can listen to him and make their own conclusions.”
“Thank you Opus for your reasonable post, but I’m afraid you will be disappointed by Daily Crap’s response, if there will be any.”
“No, please stay there. Keep being complete with oneself and suck up all the joy and salvation you can get. You deserve it.
I wish you the best of luck.’
“My guess is “he” is a non-suckee. RB doesn’t really like his type, except for money. Apologists and defenders are frequently those who have to create their own imaginary worth in lieu of sexual attention by defending the indefensible (flying monkey).”
“DC must have claimed the position of talking asshole for the FOF, especially if he is behind the bullshit PR on their site. Fits nicely. Whether he wrote it or not I don’t think I could hold him in lower esteem than I do already. He the perfect mouthpiece. There’s a special ring in hell for him (within his cosmology, not mine).”
“How strange……..
All of those words that he uses and yet it appears he can no longer ‘think’”.
“You are such a douche”
“Fuck you you fucking motherfucking fuck.”

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