ton – 171:
What we often call love is more related to lust, which changes like the wind.
Could you elaborate on what he has to do with the matter at hand?
158. James Mclemore –
Great posts. You teach us with those posts. Our minds have gotten so used to that shit that it sounds normal to us but when you reveal the deficiencies it’s a great help, for me and for Daily Cardiac and so many in and out.
Separating heterosexual couples so that Robert can have sex with your husband
Having your sons work at the galleria so that Robert can have sex with them
Spending millions on young men so that they comply to the deal
Spending millions on clothes so that the gay fantasy is covered in silk
Dressing up, disguising, uniforming yourself to play your part in the gay temple for the Gold Alchemy of the Fellowship is simply gay paraphernalia. ALL OF IT!
Importing young men from the centers to his bedroom
Watching all of them modeling in and out of our lives as if they were God and the Angels
And after making heaven for them to enjoy, bearing our lot of the deal, working washing the dishes and cleaning the galleria, pruning the roses and going out to life to make more money for them to spend.
Watching pornography, child pornography included
Just dropped by for a short visit.
This is a negative emotion
This is judgment
This is identification
This is inner considering
Separate from the “I”s
Don’t believe the “I”s
They are just “I”s
Continue doing your work
Remember yourself always and everywhere
25o someone,
thanks for making it a short visit… you write:
Man is a “machine” that reacts mechanically when he doesn’t have control over his identifications is not different to “man is possessed when he is identified with complexes that overpower him”.
Commandeering and colonizing our psyche, a split-off, autonomous complex is, potentially, like a “vampiric virus,” in that it is fundamentally “dead” matter; it is only in a living being that it acquires a quasi-life. Just like a vampire re-vitalizes itself by sucking our life-force, when we unconsciously identify with an activated autonomous complex, we are literally animating and en-livening the undead. Complicit in our own victimization, we then unwittingly give away our freedom, power, and life-force in the process.
Look what I just found! Another one!!! And happens to be the author of this very interesting article!!!
a word of love
to greet your freedom
where ever you happen
to be
The music of music
at last!
The wonderful thing about having been numbed for decades in a cult must be un-numbing one’s self again.
Little by little in every cell,
to old music I loved
Letting it melt the numbness of the body
Moving freely without being conscious of myself
Am I present? NO; NO; NO, I’m not present,
I’m not your present, I belong to myself
My self, my life, my body, my mind, my heart
Not yours, not yours
It’s mine!
the night
The food just right
not throwing up
to play guitar
And write
And sculpt
with glass
Oh love…
Are you mad because you saved my life?
For no reason
For no purpose
With no aim
Without effort
And dreaming
And living
my life
Just mine
So right
Old friends
We laugh
With heart
Such a pleasure in recognition
The bodies know each other,
The hearts rest patiently
The minds don’t bother
Oh man!
Why didn’t you hit me and shake me and tell me, you dumb ass, get the fuck out of here!
so good to see you!!
I’m happy!! Nigel Harris Price, I am HAPPY! and without shame!!
No identification
No lying
No imagination
No inner considering
“mummy… you’re falling thin on me!”
I felt an explosion of love inside and outside as if the whole world had suddenly lit up and shined and every effort I had made since I joined the School had been nothing compared with that joy. In Colombia, when one doesn’t like someone, it is common to say that that person is falling fat on one but Elisa had expressed the opposite. She was eight years old and at least five years had passed since I remembered a truly positive comment coming from her. I kissed them both goodnight and turned the lights off.
In Art there is a cult for artists and they are not only artists but rich and also become the subject of magazines and newspapers. These are the people we worship, we find worthy of hearing about. The people we idolize and idealize as having something we don’t have.
In Sports we find a similar behaviour. In Politics and science it is similar but acquires a different taste.
…I suddenly found myself making a distinction between ‘verifying’ and ‘testing’…
In the way I mean it, ‘testing’ is essentially a negative process. It refers to the attempt to disprove something or to make it fail, as when an automobile door is tested by a machine which opens and closes it thousands of times, or when a child tests his parents by deliberately going where he is not supposed to go. In the Fellowship, testing usually starts from negative attitudes towards school disciplines, attitudes such as “Why should I have to do this?” These attitudes lead to efforts to discover what is wrong with a request, what is beneficial about its opposites, and what one can get away with, although all this often occurs in the guise of thinking for oneself, finding one’s own expression for the work, etc. In any case, it is easy to see that testing embodies the attitudes of opposite thinking.
Verification, on the other hand, is a positive process. It begins by adopting the attitude that the thing to be verified is correct, and then uses observation of the results of acting according to that attitude to determine the validity of the original assumption.
As an example, consider a child who is told that fire is hot. He tests this by putting something into the fire; he verifies it by trusting his parents and by observing. Although this may seem a trivial example, there are people all around us (as well as many ‘I’s within us) who insist on sticking their hands into fires, particularly when the emotional center is involved. We even refer to such people as being ‘burned’ in, for example, a bad relationship.
The dangers of testing are compounded by the fact that our emotional centers are so underdeveloped that we are often unable even to realize when we are being burned. This is especially true in relation to the School. We have only a very limited understanding of what actually serves our evolution, and that understanding is restricted to a very small part of our machines, that part of the king of hearts which has been trained by the School itself. The rest of the machine does not understand awakening and so easily adopts a negative, testing attitude which, if not recognized for what it is, can lead one out of the School.
This, then is why it is so important to learn to verify rather than to test, to develop and ability to trust the wisdom of Higher Forces and to affirm and strengthen that trust by acting on it, as the Teacher does. Essentially, the attitude that one must test in order to verify betrays a lack of understanding of our relation to Higher Forces. In our sleep, we act as if we were their equals, and set ourselves up to test and judge their requests. When we get away with it, as mechanically as we sometimes will, this illusion is reinforced. Consequently, no matter what one may finally learn from it, testing always feeds false personality.
Verification, on the other hand, can be seen as the process of intentionally deciding to adopt attitudes which presumably come from higher beings, and then confirming those attitudes, and hence their origin, by action and observation. It is an ongoing process, the method by which knowledge is brought into being to create understanding.
Moreover, because verification involves setting aside one’s own ideas to adopt the ideas or attitudes one is verifying, it runs counter to the illusion of self-importance, and so is relatively free of false personality. Instead, it is a manifestation of true personality, embodying the understanding that one cannot test Influence C, set conditions for them, or make demands of them. One cannot even ‘prove’ their existence: one must accept them, and in doing so, verify their presence.
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