Ames Gilbert – 49:
“Daily Cardiac, You are setting up a false argument when you ask readers to compare the collected comments of your detractors you’ve collected together to the blandishments of the FoF website. First, I don’t recall any of those who made comments setting themselves up as objective spiritual authorities or even ‘bearers of spiritual truth’; the FoF/PTP and Burton (and you yourself) clearly do.”
Ah my dear Daily Cardiac, so easy to look at the beam in other’s eyes and miss the splinter in our own! How many questions did I ask you that you never answered? How long have you been here letting out your dogma without being able to connect to yourself? But you are beginning to be able to do that and that alone is healing. Just the activity of talking and sharing with others is healing no matter how much we disagree because if we are able to talk it means we are civilized enough to share and communicate and THAT is what matters. We can tolerate a great deal of disagreement and still dialogue but what we cannot tolerate is a great deal of abuse and that is what we’re actually about: the tremendous abuse of people by the Fellowship of Friends Cult.———
You / Silentpurr have found this to be the case, but others, hundreds of others, have found the opposite to be the case; that there is much substance behind the allure. Now, having said that, if you can see what I’m getting at then we would be standing on the threshold of a real discussion, if you are interested in that. I see many flaws, gaps and contradictions in the conclusions you arrive at regarding the FoF/RB.
Elena: Again your affirmation of higher beings governing mankind that I dealt with in the previous post. Your hierarchical conception of the world is necessary for you to justify your own power over members. You identify with the Gods above and in convincing yourself that you are acting them out, you justify your abuses on members but taking that position you separate mankind instead of creating unity and consciousness. Consciousness is the knowledge of our connectedness and conscious acting is strengthening those connections with love. The Fellowship Cult is ALL about disconnecting from one’s self, one’s family, humanity at large and each other, in short, the Fellowship is directly opposed to consciousness.——-
First of all, Spirits are invisible; that’s not a “convenience” contrived by anyone connected to the FoF. This statement also shows some of the misconceptions ex members have who without any self questioning posit them into the column of Truth. There was no bait and switch. The FoF was founded upon principles, practices, collated by G & O, who called their collective system “The Fourth Way.”
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