e: “If you like the role of moderator, you’re also welcome to play it!!”
elena, why so defensive? i’ve “demanded” nothing of you… and of course you don’t have anything to prove to me…. a point i’m trying to make has to do with honesty…. because i consider it to be important. let’s briefly review… this thread started when i suggested that there are limits to the anthropocentricism of a doctrine you’ve been espousing which we’ve identified as “humanism.” i did not suggest there was anything wrong with the doctrine or that there is anything wrong with you for supporting it… i merely indicated my opinion of the limitations of said doctrine and in the process suggested avenues of research that have influenced my own perspectives. after your “in depth” research (apparently you perused something by mckenna), you came back with your “informed” conclusions regarding the “REAL magic” — that it’s “in the human being” and etc… i pointed out that this sort of ego-centric species-bias was in fact at the root of the problem and at that point i questioned whether you had ever actually ingested one of these compounds that you so blithely dismiss, because from what i could gather in what you wrote, you didn’t really grok the experience nor the wider implications. i questioned a type of arrogant and blind anthropocentricism which IS the problem… i suggested that you consider the relational aspect in nature which the human species ignores at it’s own peril and destruction….
the position of ex-members in relation to the fofcult and what needs to be done to get members out.
The relationship between cults and what is happening in society
The separation of state and religion and how that is mirrored in the emotional, intellectual centers in individuals.
Homicide and suicide in society as an expression of the social malady in societies that are, like cults, using people for productivity but ignoring the human need to participate in the cultural and political processes
just to mention a few of the areas that Elena has significantly explored on this blog and was trying to explore in the other blog too in three of her first posts that you totally ignored.
44 Ton
you write: “although i understand why the moderator acted as he did, i felt that simply banishing you to your own little room here was not a particularly therapeutic nor a very compassionate gesture”
You’ve stated before: “it was you (Elena) who was much more aggressive and abusive in your language to me, than i was toward you”
2. This is Elena’s sandbox with nothing of value in it
3. Elena is in denial
4. I won’t prove my points with actual citations, Elena do your homework
5. Elena got banned because she can’t take responsibility for herself?
6. Elena does not have the level of development to understand me
7. Elena is stuck
8. Elena is deranged
9. Elena is a legend in her deranged imagination.
47 Ton
e: “Would you please show us where in the fofblog you see the aggressive and abusive language that Elena used?”
calling me a ‘sickhead’ comes quickly to mind, there are many other examples but i’m not interested in this little schizophrenic charade you’re playing now…. we’re really ‘talking’ past each other… are you even bothering to read, much less consider what i’m ‘saying’ ? if you’re truly interested… obviously you’re not really… you could find many many examples for yourself elena… do your own homework and stop playing absurd games.
48 Ton
e: “Are you here as a friend?”
you really just don’t get it do you… i am not trying to reassure you elena, my intention is not to reassure you but to point out your obvious need for reassurance. look elena, once again, i’m not here to massage your fragile ego, i refuse to do so, and i may be the best friend you’ll find for refusing to do so. what i am pointing out is YOUR apparent and obvious need for reassurance and YOUR obvious and frankly YOUr infantile need for outside validation because of YOUR own insecurities… is that clear enough ?
49 Elena
the position of ex-members in relation to the fofcult and what needs to be done to get members out.
The relationship between cults and what is happening in society
The separation of state and religion and how that is mirrored in the emotional, intellectual centers in individuals.
Homicide and suicide in society as an expression of the social malady in societies that are, like cults, using people for productivity but ignoring the human need to participate in the cultural and political processes
Would you please show us where in the fofblog you see the aggressive and abusive language that Elena used?
e: “It seems that your only aim here is to prove Elena wrong. Could you share what is constructive about that from your point of view?”
i point out the areas i disagree with
Would you give us a few examples of the areas you disagree with?
yes elena, there is a lot you ‘say’ here that i tacitly agree with — by ‘tacit’ i mean i don’t have to point it out to you. what is it about you that you need so much reassurance coming from outside sources ?
e: “The diplomacy according to you is just on the surface but in fact it is in the surface where flowers bloom.”
What do you think is Elena’s intention?
the position of ex-members in relation to the fofcult and what needs to be done to get members out.
The relationship between cults and what is happening in society
The separation of state and religion and how that is mirrored in the emotional, intellectual centers in individuals.
Homicide and suicide in society as an expression of the social malady in societies that are, like cults, using people for productivity but ignoring the human need to participate in the cultural and political processes
51 Ton
e: “What makes you think that the roots can survive without the flowers? Why are you separating them and not being able to take the flowers when they are there… etc ”
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