e: “I can only answer you with this one again.”
ya, ya, you know i’ve read this and responded already… so why do you feel a compulsion to post it again elena ? why do you feel you always have to have the last word, ‘the final say’ ? why do you feel you always have to be ‘right’ elena ? why do you always feel the need to prove to yourself that others are ‘wrong’ or somehow ‘inferior’ to you ? what is it in you elena, that makes you want to feel ‘superior’ to others ? why do you feel you always have to ‘present something higher’ than what someone else has already said ? what is the source of this compulsion to play the game of ‘one-ups-manship’ ? why elena, do you seek so desperately outside of yourself for a sense of validation ? what is the source elena, of your over-weaning and over-bearing-hubris ? do you know ? are you even remotely aware of your affects ? of course i don’t expect any real or considered answer here, you lack the humility for honest self-examination based on what another observes and suggests. you have too much false pride, false ego and arrogance to accept the possibility that someone else may have a valid perspective. no i can’t expect an answer but what i can expect from you is more of the same arrogance and a condescending, dismissive response of some sort, followed by defensive aggression. you may even revert back to the ‘blame-game’ you are compelled to play, revisiting your banning from the fofblog for the ‘umpteenth’ time… but that all just goes to proves the point.
There's great beauty that you're unwilling to see and I can't force you to open your eyes.
Ton: why do you feel you always have to be ‘right’ elena ?
No Ton, it is not that I feel I always have to be right but that when I am right I am not afraid to stand up for it. Why do you think everyone should bend to what is wrong like you do?
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