Found this on the fofblog and would like to add that I would not be surprised if the facts were that Abe was forbidden to dine with Robert long before, that the fact that he couldn't hear and had to wear strange things to be able to do so made Robert uncomfortable and intruded into his imaginary gold alchemy world without sick or deaf people suffering. I repeatedly saw him ask people who "didn't fit" to not attend his dinners or events, including Mrs. Cambridge, an old veteran of the Fellowship. The other side of the coin was when he used the sick like Mr. Bishop to lead meetings in which their "last word" was in support of the Fellowship. He gained with everyone's misery so do all in the inner circle that support it.
In a way it is interesting to realize that Robert himself will give the members the opportunity to realize what they invested their lives into by discarding them as soon as they are of no use to his interests. Most, like Abe, will not be able to tolerate it and finding no purpose to their presence, opt to leave tragically.
We can measure the level of Consciousness of any institution by the human standard within it. The standard everywhere today is miserable but in cults it is dramatically so because the innocent people that compose them actually sacrifice themselves for a taste of it without ever being able to experience the gratitude that comes with it. The truly conscious experiences that individuals have within a cult come from their own work and effort, not from the cult that takes the credit and turns them against them.
I still experience the desire to throw up when I remember these things.
2. Shirley - August 6, 2011
I heard that a FF email went out to its members that said Abe had suffered from “instinctive friction” and that he had been scheduled to have another operation regarding his hearing problem on Monday.
To dismiss what Abe must have been going through as “instinctive friction” is so typical of the FF’s attempt to diminish someone’s suffering through the manipulation of concepts.
This is not about whether a person liked or respected Abe, or not. It is to recognize how the FF insulates its members from deeply feeling or thinking about something like intense physical suffering or disability and what it does to a person (hi, debilitating chronic pain, anyone?) and their relationship to the world, or their “self-image.”
In addition, it was reported that Abe left letters for each member of his family.
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