70. Just the Facts Ma'am - September 13, 2011
Time to name names:
111/184. Shirley – September 7, 2011
‘. . .We didn’t have much compassion in the FF. Kindness, yes, but I don’t think there was true compassion.’
‘No accounts Says:
March 30th, 2007 at 12:21 am:
Gl*r** C.
St*v*n M.
Ann* T., Sh*ll*y M., plus untold number of others.
Cl*r* El*n* H*v*n, caring for D*r*thy B.
Not sure, but could make a good educated guess.
J*s*ph M.?, plus untold number of others.
Stablemates aplenty.
J*n*th*n P., plus untold number of others.
G*rd* A., plus untold number of others.
G*rd* A. (blind servant to Teacher who spoke out of turn), plus untold number of others.
J*hn B**gn*n, plus untold number of others.
Not sure, but could make a good educated guess.
See ‘Be’ above, plus untold number of others.
Abr*h*m G., plus untold number of others.
G*r*rd H*v*n, plus untold number of others.
Not sure, but could make a good educated guess.
Not sure, but could make a good educated guess.
H**th*r N.
Legions of third line volunteers.
Scale the walls and get out before it’s too late.
Not sure on this one, but: ‘Remember, when you point a finger, three fingers are pointing back at you.’
Page 112/#43. WhaleRider – September 9, 2011
G**n*v*re M., plus untold number of others.
Robert Earl Burton could care less.
The Thirty Imperishable Work ‘I’s
1. Be (Be Present)
2. Hold (Hold the sequence with Presence)
3. Pray (Choose the theme of the sequence; i.e. Look, Hear, etc.)
4. Back (Watch the lower self)
5. Turn (Return to the theme of the sequence; i.e. Look, Hear, etc.)
6. Long BE (Prolonged Presence)
7. Act (Engage Presence)
8. Peace [Pax] (Avoid the entire spectrum of negative emotions)
9. Leave (Avoid identification)
10. Kneel (Do not resent friction)
11. Drop (Do not judge or keep accounts)
12. Use (Use voluntary suffering)
13. Wit (Avoid wit)
14. Now (Think neither of the past nor of the future)
15. Look (Look with Presence)
16. Move (Move with Presence)
17. Taste (Taste with Presence)
18. Hear (Listen with Presence)
19. Feel (Feel with Presence)
20. Smell (Smell with Presence)
21. Talk (Speak with Presence)
22. Think (Think with Presence)
23. Read (Read with Presence)
24. Write (Write with Presence)
25. Child (Remain in essence; avoid false personality revolving around chief feature)
26. Serve (Do not inner consider, externally consider)
27. Scale (Use scale and relativity)
28. Aim (Keep aim and complete octaves; be aware of third forces)
29. Time (Remember the brevity of life)
30. Gods (Remember the gods)
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