Yesterday I stated that will depends on consciousness and that is not correct. What I was trying to say is that the direction that will takes depends on the level of consciousness. If the individual has a purely instinctive consciousness tied to the ego, it is impossible for him or her to act less selfishly. Consciousness is always consciousness of the Whole but most people have only experienced that "wholeness" a few times in our lives. To be so conscious of it that there is nothing separating one's being to another's is full consciousness. It is not difficult to know this, all systems of development have been saying so since we can remember but to actually experience it and practice it is a completely different matter.
What I think is important today is to bring the understanding of "wholeness" down to our practical lives and avoid the tendency to connect consciousness only to spiritual, religious experiences. At the service of power, religion has tended to keep the masses under control conditioning them to accept the status quo or justify their being put in jail for opposing it, arguing that violence is unacceptable to the law but the passive violence of the status quo guaranteed by the army is never measured. What I think is possible today, is to bring the consciousness of the whole, unity, into our lives and begin to understand why is it that we live and act as if we were enemies hurting each other or allowing some to hurt others were possible.
"Well being" is being well not only physically, but emotionally and the more harmony there is between one's self and those around one, the stronger the feeling of "wellness". The "wellness" of a baby with his mother could one day be measured as energetically healing for the baby. Each interaction between people has energetic repercussions on the well being of those involved.
One possible point of view of the phenomenon at hand is the realization that at the end of the stick of purely instinctive consciousness is a human being trapped in "possessing" the physical world. In that "frame of mind" the individual feels he has to "own" things. Right wing politics seems to be the clearest expression of such a mind frame. Left wing politics seems to have been able to understand that everything belonged to everyone but everyone belonged to the state and that didn't work either. Today what is needed is a system in which the "authority" falls on each and every individual protected by definite rights and the government is in charge not of playing a hierarchic role of RULING the people but a Democratic role of SERVING the people. That sounds so different it's almost unconceivable!
Every human being is in fact an authority. The problem with those in power today is that they are convinced that they are the authorities and must submit everyone else but consciousness does not allow for submission. Consciousness only allows for service. It is very different to serve others willingly than to serve others because one is submitted. Good. This gives us a clue to begin to understand how the different levels of consciousness determine the will.
Instinctive consciousness tied to the ego, the "ego-centric self" is fixed on owning the physical world as if that ownership could protect it from death. The more materialistic the individual the more attached to life and the physical aspects of life. Consciousness on the other hand is first and foremost consciousness of the transience of life itself and one's physical being with it. Consciousness knows that the only thing it owns in the physical sphere is a short period of time. What one “has” does not matter nearly as much as what one “does” with it.
Studying people’s relationship to time is a very good way of understanding their fixation to the physical world. People in “power” tend to never have time for others below them, not even their family or friends but always seem to have time for those who they are trying to seduce. This is interesting because “teenage love” acts very much in the same way.
I’m thinking out loudly. So many things connect to each other, so many threads that I could pick on and follow but the exercise is more productive if I try to focus more closely.
Consciousness is conscious of US. The USA and its people too! It is conscious of the dimension in which all human beings exist just like an Italian is conscious of belonging to a particular nation. Consciousness is conscious of the “human dimension” in which not only people from different states but people from different nationalities belong.
Every human being experiences that dimension in life most often when connected with the death of a loved one, witnessing suffering or experiencing it and also with profound joy.
We all have and live that dimension of consciousness but the current education and “savoir” (knowledge) have not helped us to acknowledge or understand what those experiences are about.
There is always the possibility of measuring one’s self with the “humane” and finding multiple areas of action in which one can improve.
Yesterday I also stated that:
Each human life exercises its will in five different dimensions:
The personal
The family
The social
The national
The universal
I think there is an earthly dimension before there is a universal dimension.
These dimensions probably follow the law of seven, I should be missing still another one but if I can formulate the connectedness between the social and the individual in a coherent way, I will have put in my grain of sand.
It’s a good thing that this is a work in process. The marvelous thing about the exercise of writing is that it helps one understand what one is even more than what one knows! It is as if words were pieces of a jigsaw puzzle and one came to understand the picture one was trying to portray after moving them around and trying them out in different places. It is as if being able to put in words what is in one’s consciousness elevated one’s being into more physical firmness! The inner landscapes one is trying to portray are beautifully delineated when one manages to “color” them with words. Words are not the experience of consciousness but they are like brooms sweeping it out of the dust, brushes that help one polish it more clearly and actualize it in one’s reasoning.
As I talk about the “wholeness”, the “We are US” I realize how similar it sounds to the concept of God that people have in the best sense of the term. In the worst sense, the problem is that people have been taught that God is unreachable and that the pope and the guru and every figure of authority that wishes to submit them holds the power of God. When I experience “wholeness” I do not have the reasoning that it is God but “wholeness” but speaking about God I’ve often heard people say that “God is in everything”, that “God knows everything” and that is very much the experience of connectedness that I’ve had when I experience “wholeness”, “unity”.
Let me clarify then that I do not consider myself a spiritual leader or a leader of any kind. I have a rough time leading my own life to pretend to lead anyone anywhere but I do believe that we can share and that no matter how confused we are, we are still great, beautiful and divine human beings. I am one who is often confused and delighted at sorting out the confusion, struggling to actualize consciousness as I’ve experienced it, in my every day life.
We rarely dare to talk about consciousness as if we had experienced it but I am convinced most people have experienced it but have not acknowledged it with their reasoning mind. There's a great difference between consciousness and the mind.
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