I do wonder how long it’ll take before we, human beings, assimilate objective realities. "Assimilate" in such a way that people live their lives conscious of protecting such realities because they are essential for human development. Without speech and the trust to speak freely, we are no more human than ants.
Speech is an objective reality that has to be protected now that it has resurfaced with such force in the person of Julian Assange and wikileaks. It must be protected and practiced not only by the media but also by people in every institution. To speak freely makes individuals strong and societies powerful. Language and the freedom to use it has been taken hostage by the academy and power institutions that have established that only people with credentials are given the opportunity to speak. A housewife like me would not have a chance to speak in those places! Every human being is worth being heard, every human being should feel free to express him and herself without fear of being made fun of, without fear of making a fool of him or herself because they don’t have a degree or the supposed education to know about the subject.
We are human enough to know. All of us. Everywhere. A child should be able to cry in front of a camera and let the world know about his and her despair because of the tremendous violence that they are being submitted within the family, the society, the nation and the world at large. Children are not put in front of the camera because those in power shy away from essence looking at them and telling them the truth about the consequences of their actions. We should make many films in which children tell their story not because they’ll sell more or have some success but because adults need to remember what it is like to be in essence and how vulnerable they are to our unconsciousness.
Women should be allowed to speak. Men should start speaking one day. Real men. Men who have not yet lost contact with their own self and who can tell their true story.
We’ve become such great artists that we can fool anyone and make them believe that we still hold enough integrity and humaneness worth the presidency of the United States, like Barack Obama, who betrayed what he stood for while looking for the election. We still hold with intense hope to such figures of authority convinced that they’ll bring the change that we are unable to step up to and actualize for our selves. No one can give us what we are not ready to have and replacing authority figures for our own authority is a step that we must give our selves if we are to become more than ants in a nest. The human dream is still a dream from which we are woken up every once in a while by figures like Ghandi, who can stop the occupation of power by sitting patiently on the pavement of any road. There is a Ghandi in every human being but there’s also a Hitler and from the ego ness of a Hitler to the surrenderance of a Ghandi are all the necessary lifetimes that justify a life. It is not necessary to be Ghandi to know the Ghandi within one’s self or to be Hitler to know the fascist within. Most of us practice both of them most of the time as if the script of existence had already been written and every play is the repetition of the same story, but experienced by each individual. What is truly naïve about individualism is that those invaded with it are convinced that our lives are absolutely unique to only ourselves and don’t realize that life is the same for us all. Our particular plays are just flowers from the same plant. We are each a different thread in its tapestry but the tapestry in which we weave cannot be changed by us. The stages we must go through are determined. Each individual life is like a flower from a plant but the soil and sun and moon that embrace our days and nights are beyond ourselves until we come to meet them with our death: The death of individualism and the birth of consciousness, not necessarily physical death.
Life is turned upside down and upwards when we take that step for when we are centred in our individualism or egotism everything that we meet is dishonoured by our presence, dishonoured and swallowed as if it existed only as Maya, as illusion. We never reach true love when we seek from our ego. When the ego begins to die everything that we meet is honoured by our presence and left untouched to fulfil its own process, only that instead of the process continuing as a descending octave, it becomes an ascending octave. A conscious being is the presence of another dimension in the dimension of illusion. Objectivity in the subject, objectifies the subject. Illusion is the world of individualism. When our being is in our ego we confront the illusion of our karma. When we step beyond our ego into our wholeness, we confront the reality of our destiny.
“Our” destiny is “ours”. We are connected to each other. Every man and woman is affecting every other man and woman, every human being that has ever lived is within every human being that is alive today. Most of us have to “fight” to be acknowledged because we haven’t acknowledged the presence of every other human being within our selves. “Being” is the being of the whole of humanity in each individual. Were we conscious of this, things would certainly change because we would be working for the weaving of love in people’s lives and not their destruction. It is in the mind frame of individualism that private property exists as such and the struggle to "submit" others is its expression. The ego must dress itself with possessions because it does not posses itself. Dressing one’s self up with material "possessions" or "status" is the way the ego or an immature individual reveals his and her imaginary picture to the people around him who have been the soil for it to develop it. This is a “natural” process. Every human being is born within a family, society, nation and “the” world and each sphere of development is conditioned by the consciousness that that individual acquires in his and her passage through those spheres. The family conditions the individual differently to how they are conditioned in the school, university, military, company, bar… each place with its particular people has its own conditioning and meaning and they are all necessary, all could be wonderful, all be completely different if we could live them without the individualism that determines the hierarchic excesses of authoritarian power.
It's sad to see a man that cannot be a father because he holds up an imaginary picture of himself that doesn’t allow his emotions to be expressed. My father was like that and my husbands were harmed no less. Equally sad is a teacher that cannot extend out his or her arms to embrace the students because we are afraid that they’ll manipulate them sexually. And the boss of every factory doing his best to produce enough to pay people’s income is equally sorrowful when he or she consider themselves worthy of a thousand times more profit than the workers. All these are aspects of the individualistically centred state of consciousness in which we happen to be immersed. Capitalism is the epitome of individualism and communism the epitome of individualism. Communism as has been lived, is individualism imposing communism, not consciousness of the whole allowing for Democracy. In both systems as experienced thus far, the individualistic mentality has overpowered the outcome. It is not that people in either system did not hope or aim for a different result, it is that the people in either system were still too self centred for it to work. There are equally "human" "beings" in both systems, trying to figure our selves out. The earth belongs to all of us and holding up a "nationality" to take away from others is an aspect of our unconsciousness. Third world countries are rich and their people are still hungry, first world countries are not so rich anymore and their people are equally suffering. We are all suffering the unconsciousness of our individualism.
To be “identified” with our nationality is very different to being conscious of our nationality. It is beautiful to be conscious of our nationality, our society and our family, but to be identified with any one of them is the illusion that submits our karma into recurrence. To be free of the identification is what opens the road to "creation" or a new, non recurring possibility: life. To allow our ego to reflect itself in the mirror of the nation and let it to be used against other human beings in criminal assassination is the expression of our lack of individual freedom or the maturity to act against crime in no matter what context. Our world is so upside down and backwards that we take teenagers to wars to carry out crimes precisely because they are too young to stand up for the human being, too young and immature to have understood the power of their own life or that of others and still living under the shadow of their family, social and national sphere without having yet developed the consciousness of the human sphere within themselves to kill other young people as young and innocent as themselves. Patriarchy never reveals itself as crudely as in the act of old men sending young men to war so that they can remain the alpha men longer. They remain in power because they discard the men who could confront them long before they are old enough to do so and they do it when they are young because they are as vulnerable as women.
A young man should not be asked to kill before he has given birth or had a wife or worked because just as the video shows, they are young and immature enough to laugh while they take other people’s lives away. It is very different when a mature human being is called upon to act against crime. Young people today don’t even know what is the value of the life they are supposed to be protecting, for their lives were as shattered in the military as the lives they destroy. The military institution and all its techniques is designed to squash the individual just like in cults, so that the soldiers give up their lives for the authority in power. Young people are innocent and beautiful enough to think that if they give up their lives the world will be a better place but until they realize that they are just being manipulated by power, they will continue to act against the human being.
Life is the stage in which we are meant to actualize our humaneness. Every human act adds to the development of our self, individually and humanly, “humanly” as in “worldly”, not just socially. Today we must go beyond our “socially” into our “humanly”. When we confront the human with what we are within the family, the society and the nation, it is very easy to realize how far each one of us is from consciousness.
Actualizing our humaneness simply means living as decent a life as possible. Life is people. We are woven into each other as part and parcel of our selves. Those that loved us never leave, nor do those that didn’t love us. In time we realize that every one of them was doing their best and so were we. Individualism as an aspect of a mistakenly developed essence "breeds" crime. Individuality as an aspect of a mature essence breeds integrity, responsibility, consciousness. Nature is the stage in which people can actualize their humaneness and the destruction of nature is another expression of our unconsciousness, of the criminality of our selfishness gone mad. Nature is one with the human being like the bones and muscles and blood are one with the individual. Nature is our “human body” and how we treat it simply reflects our consciousness of our selves. Just like individuals go through phases of self-destruction, drugs and crime against themselves and others and eventually settle into less destructive forms of themselves, if lucky, the human being is in a phase of unconscious destructiveness of our Earth or “human body”. For the majority of us nothing means anything but "money". Everything represents status for the ego, not the richness of a world that is meant to be shared and protected. Everything falls under the theatre of power for the egos of the privileged in "turn" to be exhilarated with them selves. The ego breeds envy, it lives in its imaginary power owning more than others and submitting every one else to its false authority conditioned by the economic, political or emotional dependency others have. Love is not "love" when it is a form of submission and dependency and there is no law if people are submitted by it instead of being freed because of it. The purpose of laws is to make us more conscious of each other. The economic and political difficulties we are facing, as much as the social and psychological problems people are suffering, are not the reflection of our external reality, our external reality is the expression of our inner reality: the state of our lack of consciousness. Society forms the individual but the individual must be able to cross the karmic conditioning of family, society and nation and step into the human and re-experience the family, society and nation consciously. Human progress depends on the ability of each generation to step beyond its conditionings.
Religion use to be the sphere of the spiritual in times past but religion today is the sphere of the multiple dimensions of the individual human being and politics is the external expression of the consciousness of those dimensions within the individuals. We create institutions to hold the progress of our consciousness in each generation but when the "institution" turns against our selves and muzzles our spirit pretending to keep us from expressing our selves freely and communicate, we have allowed power to keep our essences from developing and enroll in a tremendously dangerous road to destruction. The mass suicide in cults already proved that to us. Every religion is a system meant to pave the way for each individual to walk out of individualism into consciousness of the whole. Religion as the "opium" of the people is such because in the authoritarian god that condones every crime and stimulates every submission to false authority, IS an opium.
We are walking from I to US. That is religion. And politics is the actualization of that consciousness in our lives. We elect dictators because we reflect in the power of one individual the egocentric reality of our own lives, in our societies. We follow gurus because we have no command of our inner authority or being. We submit to work in factories for a lifetime because we are unable to overcome our dependence on other authorities. We resign the possibility of creative “work” because our I cannot express itself not only verbally through freedom of speech but in no other way for "work" and "creativity" is "owned" by the privileged in power. Our lives are dedicated to make the over-inflated people in power become richer than their "being"can handle. The addiction to drugs everywhere is an aspect of that inability. The poverty of the masses is counteracted by the excesses of power and the party of madness leaves everybody equally wasted. Change needs to happen not because we are some making others suffer but because everyone is suffering unnecessarily.
The actors of the world, the artists, remain silent at the hands of those in power if they are to make their bread, filled with riches if they play the game. The “creativity” of the human being is placed at the hands of very few privileged artists. In the sphere of the I, of the self, of Our Self, we are as depressed as a young addict. The suffering of women at no matter what age is still hard to name, raped by their fathers, sold and abducted from their countries to serve as whores in the developed countries, the men being slaughtered in wars, and the so called “decent people” who avoid that destiny and profit from it are so corrupt that they never smile with sincerity but are always ready for the show.
We are far from living a decent life but a decent life in which children can grow up to creativity and the development our our selves is our right as human beings. No one has to submit to anyone else. Everything belongs to all of us for We are One.
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