What is interesting about this video when one compares the experiment with what happens in cults is that it doesn't matter if people are dressed up and their ego puffed up, given concerts every week and good food, as long as they are willing to obey others as authorities and alienate themselves from the rest of the world, they'll end up in a process of self annihilation. At least in prisons people keep up their hatred towards the establishment as long as possible but in cults, they end up "loving" or becoming completely emotionally dependent victims. The perpetrators of the brainwashing become convinced that it is justified. That their mistreatment is what they are meant to do. In cults the forms this takes are different. Those in the inner circle who represent the authority don't express outward violence, they impose emotional violence through indifference. The individuals who don't play the game are socially ignored, nothing is shared with them and they are allowed to pay but not to participate. All these things happened to me because I never played the game even when I married Girard Haven, the second in command. I opposed him in every meal and kept holding up the system but everything was used to their advantage.
I was talking about this experiment two or three years ago in the fofblog and they are only just beginning to bear to listen to the information in this material. What people don't want to understand is that cults submit people with triffles, pretty things and comfort but the long term effect is exactly the same as if they were being submitted in a prison camp. The mass suicide in cults is the final effect of the organization. Self annihilation is the result. In prison camps people don't seem to come to such self annihilating mechanism, they hold out or become aggressive towards others but not themselves as clearly as in cults. This is what I've been saying for three years and this is exactly what they were not willing to listen to in the fofblog. It is a very painful reality to accept but it is there absolutely clear for those who understand the mechanisms.
Supporting laws that protect such cults is acting against the well being of humanity. Religion everywhere has used these mechanisms and cults, as microcosmic reflections of the outside world turn the same mechanism inside out and use them to their agenda. People are being used, manipulated and annihilated without there being anyone willing to stop it in the United States. France is beginning to act seriously against these organizations and apparently Germany too but they are still protected in most parts of the world.
My criticism of the United States and its position in relation to cults is what led to my being banned from the fofblog besides my frustration and negativity at realizing that these people couldn't hear what I was saying. We reached a critical point and were unable to move beyond it. They were still not ready to move beyond it when they allowed me in again. They were hoping I had settled for their truths and was going to "behave" like in a cult and release them from confronting the problem, only to find that they were doubly confronted, banning me a second time. My friend Ton acted like these people in the experiment and took the role of "submitting" me trying to convince me that I was crazy and couldn't know enough or know with enough authority what I was saying but I know what I've been saying all the time and there's nothing crazy about it. I studied the mechanisms of such psychological processes when I was eighteen in The Mass Psychology of Fascism by Wilhelm Reich. What is amazing is that I fell in the trap like everybody else but at least I got out of it. Too many are still inside. The madness is in those that hide themselves from seeing the truth about cults and in not wanting to see the truth about themselves: their own beauty and humanity, their own self.
The tragedy of our times is that people have stranded from their essence so badly that they have become systematically used to acting against their own self. They no longer trust themselves enough to protest or exist in their own right just like the prisoners in the experiment. They live within the folds of positions of power or victims of power without questioning the role. Their "being" or rather, the "state" of their being is expressed in their inability to allow their own consciousness to extend beyond the role into the sphere of the human being and our freedom to choose our destiny. In as much as they don't feel free, they, we, continue to submit to the status quo everywhere without being able to act differently just like the prisoners in the experiment. The lack of social cohesion is what keeps us tied to the role, incapable of acting against the status quo and those in positions of authority. The need to belong, the self protecting mechanism of the instinctive center, keeps us tied to the least dangerous behavior trying to survive at all cost by keeping a low profile rather than speaking up against the status quo and those in power.
Submitting and accepting the status quo keeps our consciousness tied to the identifications established by the programming that we've come to inherit. We act and react like our parents acted and reacted, very few people step out of the mold of their own family because they cannot free themselves from their identifications with their own family. That identification conforms part of the imaginary picture of themselves. People need to free themselves not only from the identifications they hold in relation to their family, we must free our selves from the identifications that the social environment in which we grew up implanted in our outer skin or personality and also free ourselves from the identification with our "nationality". The human stands beyond all these identifications. Each of our acts is conditioned by each of these identifications. When the act is not born in the human it is an act that re-enacts the identification implanted in us by our family, social environment and nation. It is the repetition of the mechanism without consciousness and it is in these sense that it is “mechanical”, a reaction and not an action. It is also in this sense that “man cannot do”. Mechanical man cannot “do” because he is living out the “instinctive” aspect of a human being’s life not different to an animal and becomes a social being that is merely acting and reacting to survive within that society accepting its status quo without questioning it or his own self. It is only when a human being is capable of freeing his own self from his or her programming and is able to act according to his or her consciousness that real “ACTS” or “doing” actually becomes possible.
Evolution cannot take place through repetition of conditioned behavior just like creativity is not there when an artist copies another great artist. A human being can only “evolve” and hence “create” from his and her own self, from Real I. This is the only difference between human beings and animals in terms of their evolution. Animals cannot experience a creative act, they are, like unconscious human beings, repeating the conditioned behavior that they were submitted to. The possibilities of surviving without that conditioned behavior are null. The human being might not have the possibility of surviving for long when he or she frees him or herself from the conditioned behavior, it is the pattern in history that such individuals are persecuted and crucified as quickly as possible. These men and women in history or “our life” are, like the “I”s within an individual, forces of consciousness for the rest of us helping us towards greater freedom.
There is nothing particularly different in these individuals than in the rest of the human beings. Everyone is capable of freeing him and herself from his or her identifications from the family, the particular society and the national conditionings. Freeing one’s self from ones family, particular society and nationality does not mean separating one’s self from one’s family, society or nationality, or turning against them as happens in cults. It means freeing one’s self from the conditionings within these spheres that have fallen into a descending octave and turned against the human spirit. Every individual vivifies or vilifies the human spirit in each one of his and her acts no matter who or where he or she is acting. Every individual acts against his or her own self or that of others in every act or acts for the well being of his or her own self and that of others in each act. Conditioned by our identifications we fail to act up to the well being of our selves or others until we free our selves from our identifications and begin to act according to our consciousness no matter the consequences.
Every single human being is the man in Plato’s cavern pointing at the light outside, the moment we free ourselves from our identifications. The shadows on the wall are our identifications and those who become free of them can see the tragedy of the situation.
“Tragedy” in the fact that human beings live, not like animals who do not harm each other willingly but like inhuman beings who hurt each other generation after generation unable to bring their instinct above their individualism into consciousness of the whole: the whole of mankind: humanity. We are equal not because we have the same amounts of money or because we belong to the same family or nationality, we are equal because we are each and everyone of us a human being. Each individual is merely a cell of mankind. In our lack of consciousness we act against each other. Consciously we cannot move a finger against anyone else or our selves. This world that we share is the stage in which we are playing out our evolution or the possibility of surviving our own destructive capacities. We are all in the same theater no matter how lonely we think we are, no matter how individualistic we pretend to be. Nations have their own role in our evolution just like the different centers in our body have a role. Each nation is developing aspects of our selves. Each one has its own greatness. But just like a leg is not a man, a nation is not the whole of the human being nor should it stand as the chosen one against others. It no longer matters what nation we belong to if we cannot be human towards each other. The difficulties we are facing cannot be resolved by only one nation. Hunger, violence, the climate change, the unnecessary production of millions and millions of items that we not only don’t need but are harming us is a world wide problem that we need to resolve in every nation. The absurd treatment of our natural resources, the contamination of land and people with chemicals are all aspects of our unconscious behavior in the individualism of the many to exploit what is there for everyone for their personal interest. It is not only the problem of those in power. Those in power are, just like those in the video, as unconscious of what they are doing as those under their power. It is not US victims against those perpetrators, we are all equally unconscious of the situation, we are all playing the roles we were placed in without being able or willing to free our selves from our conditionings. It is not a great man or a great woman who can free us at this point. Each individual must begin to act out their own consciousness and remove themselves from situations in which they are abusing themselves or others. People must stop working in factories that exploit them not only economically but humanly. It is their human integrity what is suffering a lot more than their pocket. In these factories people lose their humaneness because their creativity is shunned and their submission is not only given by the fact that they are paid less, it is given by the fact that they are placed in positions in which they cannot develop their creative life. Ironically, people in lower classes have to resort to great creativity to make something of their lives and the social cohesion within them does not distort them psychologically as badly as people in the upper classes who become even more trapped in the status quo. In both classes people are equally identified with their programming but in the lower classes the mechanisms are less rigid and allow for more freedom as well as condition the people to more humane contact. This is why in the long run, people in the lower classes tend to replace the people in the upper classes that stagnate in their decadence.
When looked at from a very different perspective, if we were to guess that the process of acquiring consciousness of our selves as human beings were revealed in our political history and our struggle for greater democracy, we would be able to understand that the characteristics of every social struggle is leading not only towards more individual consciousness but towards the individual’s consciousness of the whole. When we mature in this process, we will be unable to continue acting towards the world’s resources with the same unconsciousness and abuse with which we have been acting. Cars can no longer be the means of transporting each other. Or at least not cars that produce so much damage. The car, more than anything else, expresses the levels of individual unconsciousness that we’ve managed to reach in the United States and gradually everywhere else. Not cars or industries or anything that harms us or others in the short or long term. Our unwillingness to develop great public transportation is an aspect of our misunderstanding of the Public Sphere or the sphere of Our Selves. The world, that is, these Earth with each and all its resources belongs to ALL of us and no man or nation has the right to use any of them for his or its personal interests if we are to act consciously not from our little individualistic self but from the consciousness of our humanity.
People everywhere are beginning to understand this reality. We need to help each other so very much, in every part of the world.
I am a little tired to correct this today, I will try to do so tomorrow, please forgive me the mistakes.
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