I got this ad this morning which shows how much science is moving into understanding the connection between the social sphere and the instinctive sphere. It’s wonderful that they are doing this because they will eventually have to admit that without a healthy society we can’t be individually healthy. They will also come to understand more exactly the power of the logos or life in its many expressions and be able to account exactly for how positive and negative activities affect our lives. People will understand better how a sick environment like that of a cult and all the regular cults called industries, corporations, governments, etc, based on hierarchic interchanges between people who cannot act humanly towards each other justified by their so called “position” are in themselves the greatest source of illness in our time.
We’re moving so fast towards greater freedom!
First Impact Factor for Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience: 4.203 and a ranking of 9/70 in Psychology
Dear Miss Elena …
We are delighted to announce that Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience has recently achieved its 2009 ISI Science Citation Index Impact Factor of 4.203.
As an online only journal publishing highly cited, original papers in the field of Cognitive Neuroscience, SCAN has achieved an excellent first competitive ranking of 9/70 in Psychology and continues to thrive in to 2010, recently publishing a special issue on Cultural Neuroscience.
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I hope that this information was useful to you, please do forward this email on to anyone else who you think would also be interested.
With best wishes,
Laura Brannagan
Oxford Journals
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